ClearwaterRiverCo. encourages you to Help Idaho Fish and Game


Here is a message from Jo Dupont, Clearwater Regional Fisheries Manager, IDFG. -

“ I know many of you enjoy fishing for the steelhead in the South Fork Clearwater River and often help us collect broodstock to support future returns.  For those who want to know more about this program or are interested in helping, you can learn more by clicking on this link

As an FYI, this will be the largest steelhead return to the South Fork Clearwater River we have seen since 2017.  On top of that, these fish are bigger than normal this year.  The last three catch-and-release steelhead state records actually came from the South Fork Clearwater River and it currently stands at 38 inches. It wouldn’t surprise me if that record falls again this year!”

Although ClearwaterRiver Company doesn’t guide on the South Fork of the Clearwater, we do guide on the Middle Fork confluence where the fish stack up before heading up into the South Fork. Our open dates for the end of February are just about full, call today if you want to get out on the water and chase the Huge B-Run steelhead. 1-866-846-4240.